Her knowledge and skill is evident in both her own work, and her students, as she able to adapt to teaching all different styles and types of embroidery. Her skills in technique include appliqué, blackwork, canvas work, crewel work, goldwork, silk shading, stumpwork and whitework, both traditional and contemporary. Other techniques Tracy has explored and developed are machine embroidery, quilting, free style embroidery and more modern mixed media ideas.

Crewel work embroidery, which is also known as Jacobean crewel work, reached its peak in 17th century England, and was later taken to the America Colonies.
In contrast to traditional gold work embroidery, creative gold work gives the opportunity to work with metal threads in an experimental ambitious and enterprising way, whilst remaining true to good technique.

Drawn thread work is a form of open counted thread work embroidery where both the warp and/or weft are withdrawn from an even-weave fabric, which is then decorated with stitch.